About Me
Let me tell you a few things...
Passionate and self-motivated about app development. While keeping up with college courses, I taught myself iOS development (Swift). I strongly believe that if you have the passion and motivation, you can achieve anything, and I am willing to incorporate this mindset into a team, working and inspiring each other to work hard and to reach goals. A single app has the potential to reach and affect millions of lives, I want to be part of a team that is eager to make a difference in this world. |Resume|
iOS Developer
Swift 5 | Xcode | iOS 15
* 1+ year experience developing native apps as a hobby.
Self-taught, passionate, and driven to learn new technologies.
Python | C++ | OOP
* 2+ years programming in Python and C++ for Application Development.
C++ college courses including Object-Oriented-Programming and Data
Web Developer
HTML | JavaScript | CSS | PHP | MySQL
* Learned the basics of web development through college courses.
T1CG Dev 101 Academy: learning more intermediate/advanced topics.